السلوك المهني والأخلاقي في مكان العمل

At work, a professional requires ethical behaviour that drives interactions with other employees, patients, and leadership.  It also guides how someone performs her/his job. Ethical behaviour guides whether someone will perform minor damage if she/he feels no one is watching.  Business leaders need to set clear guidelines for ethical behaviour in the workplace and to consistently train employees on working according to those expectations.

Define Ethical Behaviour – تحديد السلوك الأخلاقي

Professionalism and ethics in the workplace are the guiding principles that an individual or the company has established.  Generally, a company sets forth a minimum standard of ethics and expectations, even though there are employees who may have a higher personal set of ethics.

Importance of Ethical Behaviour – أهمية السلوك الأخلاقي

Ethical behaviour in the healthcare is important for many reasons.  Patient and employees feel safe when working with a company if they know people are following morally sound guidelines.  It builds the reputation of the business and doing “clean business” or keeping “patient/employees as a priority.”

Many professionals won’t remain in industry if the public doesn’t feel that the company operates ethically. Banks, financial representatives, lawyers all must follow high ethical standards. Any hospital taking patient health information needs to maintain strict privacy and information protection policies to get patient confidence.

Ethical communication in healthcare is another area that staff needs to be clearly trained on. An employee who is upset with a patient or co-worker is not supposed to break confidentiality and spread or forward an email or gossip. Employees will follow the lead of managers if there is no set standard. Ethical standards must be met to prevent potential bullying and discrimination, which leads to high turnover, high anxiety and low productivity.

Job-Specific Responsibilities – المسؤوليات الخاصة بالوظيفة

Each employee in a company at an entry-level position or in upper management, operates daily based on a specific job description for their position. It is the employee’s responsibility to perform the duties of that position to the best of their ability while adhering to company policies and protocols. They should come to work when expected, manage their time well, and seek to be a positive part of the team. Employees should address management with any questions or problems they encounter and work for the good of the company.

Personal Performance Accountability – مساءلة الأداء الشخصي

Another general responsibility for all employees is owning up to mistakes and being held accountable for your actions. Rather than putting the blame on a co-worker or making excuses, employees who accept responsibility for their mistakes or poor judgement become positive assets to the organization. Managers may need to have some difficult conversations with employees in order to establish this expectation, but ultimately, accountability as an office standard will create a positive and productive work environment.

Managerial Oversight and Leadership – الرقابة الإدارية والقيادة

A manager’s primary responsibility is to keep their team or department on track to meet goals and measure up to company standards. A good manager is also responsible for developing the skills and performance quality of the employees under their supervision. By offering feedback, training and opportunities for advancement, managers create a positive work environment and commitment to the company. Conversely, leadership that seems disinterested in its staff’s well-being will not earn the respect and loyalty of its employees.

Shared by Mohammed Saud, Insurance Coordinator.

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