COVID-19 has affected the life and Health of more than 1 Million People across the World.This Overwhelms many Countries Health care System and of course affects health care providers.
During the SARS COV 2 Outbreak, the Health care workers face aggravated Psychological Pressure and even mental illness.

Besides the fear of infection and separation from Families, Health care workers have been reported to suffer from depression,anxiety,insomnia and distress. Moreover Nurses, Front line Health care workers and Younger Medical Staffs reported more severe Degrees of all Psychological Symptoms except the vicarious traumatization than other Health Care workers.Also being the only child in their families, the severity of patients, working hours per week,diet and sleep status influence Health care workers stress.
COVID-19 pandemic and consequent lockdown have rapidly changed everyone’s life and habits, affecting the Psychological health of people worldwide.Nonetheless ,bound by an oath to heal, Health care workers have continued to work,confronting a deadly and highly contagious illness,while the rest of the People were bunkered in Homes.