How often do workers in your office look at each other and say, “Wanna make a coffee run with me?” From iced lattes and triple-shot espressos to a plain old medium with sugar and cream, America’s crazy for coffee.
Nearly two-thirds of Americans age 13 and older drink coffee every day, according to the National Coffee Association [1]. If we assume, conservatively, that the average coffee drinker sips just eight ounces a day, that adds up to nearly 4 billion gallons of joe consumed every year.

This consumption signals a clear need to have quality coffee in the office, or else your workers might go hunting for it elsewhere, possibly leading to declines in productivity. The good news? While coffee’s a shared national obsession, it’s also so much more. The ways coffee benefits your workplace are numerous and diverse.
Coffee Offers Physical, Mental and Team-Building Benefits
According to studies from the Harvard School of Public Health and the American Heart Association, it’s a veritable health food: Coffee consumption may lower your risk of diabetes and heart attacks. Recent research from the American Cancer Society suggests coffee may reduce incidences of several kinds of cancer. Coffee can also improve memory, according to a study conducted by Johns Hopkins University. Research funded by the National Institutes for Health even points to a link between drinking coffee and lower levels of depression. Since a happy, healthy office gets more done — and costs less money — this is all good news for employers.

Beyond the physical and mental benefits, coffee offers social advantages, as well. Coffee breaks give colleagues a chance to mingle and strengthen the bonds that are essential to productive teamwork. In fact, a few years ago, Bank of America adjusted break schedules in one of its call centres to allow more interactions between employees and quickly saw productivity improvements that translated into $15 million for the company, according to the Harvard Business Review.
Article by Mohammed Khalid…